Some-more classic clothing from Amanda Archer...

If you've followed this blog thus far, you know that I'm crazy for trenches. The more vintagy, the better.

Wool. When I'm learning a new tecnique, I always start out with the 'student grade' materials, such as fabric that I got on sale or Wal Mart $1 a yard goods, so that there won't be rivers of tears over potential mistakes. Then, when I've done my muslins, I move on to the really nice stuff, slowly, carefully. :) I can be impatient when trying to get a project done, however, using the better grades of materials (I'm looking at you little swath of hand-dyed premium wool) makes me more considerate, and overall, between the muslin and the slowing-down-because-I-don't want-to-kill-this-pricey-textile, I end up with a better garment.

Lace. I bought some lace fabric recently and have been brainstorming what to do with it...

More beautiful smocking.
Normally, I'm not a bright-coloured-clothing sort of person. Meet the exeption: Blue, I love blue. Peacock, and sky blue and turquoise. So beautiful. Tiffany blue is also a favorite, I'm crazy for the stuff.
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