My infatuation with this company began when I saw a sample of one of their garments at a local quilt shop. I thought it was one of the coolest garments I had seen in a long time
(and lamented that it wasn't in adult sizes too).
Last night I was puttering around on the computer, reading blogs, when I noticed some of the clothes that they had been sewing up, and that they were Oliver+S patterns. So, I took a detour to the companies website (
http://www.oliverands.com) and then to their blog (
Bad Idea!!
I was on the computer soo late last night (am hours, not pm) drooling over these designs. I think that I'm easily seduced by pretty colors and patterns.

Lovely garments for a very cute little girl. I love the way they incorporate special details into the designs. It may not be something loud, but it contributes to the overall (boutique-ish) appearance of the garments.
These pictures are from:
I loved these, they are awesome. I love the pockets, the collar and the tie.
I'm a fiend for shirtdresses anyway, and these just take the cake.

More cuteness.

I swear, if she ever designs adult size clothes patterns, I will be in line to get some.

She has some tutorials/freebies on her site. One thing that I picked up on was this really cool hem. Sometimes it is fabric, sometimes ribbon. Anyway, I am going to try it sometime. I love this skirt/the way the pattern/fabric paired up.

I love the choice of fabrics.
This was the outfit that sent me over to look around the Oliver+S website.
Photo from: http://poshyarns.blogspot.com
I may have seen her stuff before.........very cute details!